Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

What is a Wellness Room?

There isn’t a singular definition for a wellness room but they are becoming more and more commonplace in Corporate America. By law, Section 7 (r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act requires adequate break time for nursing mothers for one year after the child’s birth and the allocated room must be other than a bathroom…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 8…. Wurf Board: Air-Spring Surface for Standing Desk Users

#8…. Wurf Board: Air-Spring Surface for Standing Desk Users Standing desks are all the rage.  We are being told that if you stand 15 minutes out of every hour it has many health benefits: invigorating the mind and body, boosting circulation, taking pressure off the spine and allowing the muscles to stretch and refresh. For…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 7…. Cocoon by Sandler Seating

#7…. Cocoon by Sandler Seating In today’s office environment, we are asked to move at warp speed.  With mobile devices, we are always accessible.  The workplace is trending towards open office environments and the media is shoving misery down our throats 24 hours daily.  No wonder people may be anxious or are searching for ways…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 6…. Cubii: Under Desk Elliptical Machine

#6…. Cubii: Under Desk Elliptical Machine  The older we get the harder it is to find time to balance work, family and fitness.  We typically achieve the necessities our bosses and families need and then forget (or are too tired) to care for ourselves.  TeamPAR recently moved into our new offices (Please come visit us!)…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 5…. Snowsound: Acoustical Solutions

#5…. Snowsound: Acoustical Solutions Seeing (or I should say hearing) is believing.  TeamPAR attended NeoCon in Chicago earlier this year.  While walking the Merchandise Mart, noise is everywhere.  This building is an entire city block long and wide and over a dozen floors filled with vendors and clients.  Snowsound had a booth at the show…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Taylor Ham or Pork Roll?

In May I wrote a blog about NJ’s ICONIC Hot Dog Joints in our great State and enjoyed receiving emails shouting out your favorite locations.  NJ is dubbed the hot dog capital of America, but I believe Taylor Ham is our meat of choice. Pork Roll (regionally known as Taylor Ham) is a pork-based processed meat originating and…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 4…HUR

#4…HUR: Strength Training Solution for Older Adults. 70 is the new 50!  There is no doubt about it – scientific evidence concludes that physical activity offers one of the greatest opportunities to extend years of active and independent life, reduce disability and improve the quality of life for older adults.  While TeamPAR was showcasing our services at the Leading Age NJ…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 3…Human Scale

#3…. Human Scale:  Smart Ergonomics. Today’s modern workplace is dominated by an increasing presence of technology. Employees spend much of their time answering emails or on the web. For the average worker, this has led to an increase in musculoskeletal complaints such as eyestrain, lower back pain and wrist discomfort. The best design marries purpose…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 2…LifeSpan Workplace

#2…. LifeSpan Workplace:  Taking Multi-tasking to the next level. Not enough hours in the day?  We all feel that way.  Typically, we do for others and put ourselves last.  The addition of exercise equipment in your professional environment can make all the difference! Enhance your health by integrating exercise into your daily tasks. Maintain productivity,…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 1…Green Furniture Concept

#1…Green Furniture Concept: The marriage of design and sustainability for indoor public landscapes — with WOOL, oh la la! Nature has its cycle, so has Green Furniture – natural and technical – using natural, upcycled or recycled materials in a loop. Genuine materials that efficiently can be kept in shape and that age with dignity.…
