Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.


Our 1st crush is…Tricia Patricco! Tricia is a role model for networking and integrity. As the President of Image Office Environments, she has led her Certified WBENC dealership to success with attention to detail while employing organization, logic and strong communication skills in crafting individual solutions for each of her clients. Our 2nd crush is…Lori…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

TeamPAR’s Valentine’s Day Crushes

What is a Business Crush? A crush category, e.g., High School Crush. To be attracted to someone for their business savviness or business savvy persona. To be attracted to someone in or caused by a business situation. Example:  Person A: I didn’t think Ivanka Trump was your type… Person B: Oh she’s way out of…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

10 Questions You Should Ask When Developing a Move Management Strategy

Recently we came across this blog post,             “10 Questions You Should Ask When Developing a Move Management Strategy” by George Rogers.  We found to be a great read. Increasing ROI is key @ all levels.  How comfortable employees are in their environments will directly affect their productivity, attendance rate and…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Alexa & Karen’s “Favorites” List!

Alexa & Karen’s “Favorites” List!   During this season of giving, celebrities share their list of their favorite things.  Personally, I enjoy viewing Oprah’s list, while Alexa likes to preview Lucky Magazines list.  TeamPAR has visited various trade shows this year….. Neocon, Healthcare Symposium & BCNY and we wish to share our favorite products with…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Happy Christmahanakwanzika!

December brings a flurry of holiday cheer and the urban dictionary has recognized the season by creating the ultimate winter holiday combining Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa so no beliefs are excluded. Happy Christmahanakwanzika! Holiday Fun Facts: 12 Days of Christmas….8 Days of Hanukkah ….7 Days of Kwanzaa – perhaps we should all play 12-8-7 straight…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

How can I bring my project in under budget?

The POWER of Value Engineering… You can bring a project in under budget through Value Engineering.  Value Engineering is a process that enables a product, service or price to be improved without compromising the function or outcome.  This can apply to any industry or situation but is critical for success in the world of commercial…
