Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Let’s hope, April showers, bring May flowers!

Spring is a time of rebirth. 2021 is the perfect year to embrace this idiom (after 12 months of isolation). As schools adapt to the permanency of the “new normal” by upgrading HVAC systems and integrating ever-lasting PPE solutions, sadly, innovations to help improve students’ mental health and well-being may be overshadowed. From March through…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

COVID-19 is gone! (& the future of CRE…)

No more COVID-19! We all wish this were true. This pandemic stopped CRE trends in their tracks and has everyone scratching their heads as we revamp our sales offerings and re-tune our future focus.  Commercial property owners have been fielding issues on all fronts, with tenants struggling to pay their rents and record unemployment numbers.  Let us…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Do You Need to Cultivate Company Culture? Ask Yourself These Three Questions.

At its core, corporate culture defines the nature of an organization.  It is the shared set of values, beliefs and ideas that influence every aspect of the company, from work environment to the way employees interact. Up until recently, it was built within the confines of a company’s office space. Today, with COVID-19 changing the…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

The Ins & Outs of Electrostatic Flooring

What is an electrostatic discharge? Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by contact, an electrical short, or dielectric breakdown. PARflooring solves problems for our clients. Manufacturers of electrical components worry about electrostatic discharge and have relied on PARflooring to provide the correct solution. Of course, there…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Repainting Your Facility? Ask Yourself These Three Questions

Are you considering ways to spruce up your facility? A fresh coat of paint can offer a multitude of benefits, such as making the environment more welcoming, emphasizing company branding, increasing productivity, and—of particular importance right now during the COVID-19 pandemic—keeping the people using your facility safe. Here are a few key questions to ask…

Cost Controlled Interiors...TeamPar helps professionals decide what to buy.

Preparing for our FOREVER “new normal”

Re-entry & Re-imagining a fundamentally different workplace  Do you remember when our biggest fear in April was “Tax Day”?  We are one month into the Coronavirus pandemic, and collectively, we have embarked on a new way of being.  We now work remotely and have very little physical interaction with one another.  We eat our meals…
