TeamPAR is a Proud Support of the Happiness Helpers
Livingston High School is very lucky…. Current sophomore, Jessica Rossilli, had a vision to create a positive environment. With a dedicated group of peers and their collective optimistic attitudes, good deeds, constructive quotes and genuine smiles the evolution of an official group known as the Happiness Helpers came to fruition!
When I asked Jessica how this idea got started she explained how much negativity the school environment can be for its students. Jessica said, “Students are stressed about friends, getting good grades, and finding the college that is right for them. Teachers are trying their best to meet the needs of all their students’ unique learning styles, keeping their supervisors and administration happy, and get all of their work done by a certain deadline. So I decided to do something about it. I started writing quotes on little slips of paper and taping them around the school, placing them on teacher’s desks, and slipping them into lockers. I then called them “Happiness Helpers” because I made them with the intention to make people happy!”
She grew her initiative to include slipping Happiness Helper quotes in mailboxes in her neighborhood when summer arrived and soon people were looking for their quotes on a daily basis year round! From an idea to a club of teenagers spreading positivity. These ambitious youths still wanted to do more…. They organized their first bake sale to help non-profits in NJ by providing them with care packages.
JBWS & Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter, among other groups, are up for discussion right now as recipients of their first care packages – as they raised $302.00 at their first bake sale. TeamPAR was so proud of their selflessness that we have become their first corporate sponsor and have chosen to match their fundraising efforts. They now have $604.00 to donate & spread Happiness with – one quote at a time!