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TeamPAR’s Valentine’s Day Crushes

What is a Business Crush?


A business crush can come in many forms.  We have all encountered people and companies that are not a great fit, but perhaps we need to take the time and acknowledge those that are.  Industry partners and clients that share your values and “drink your cool-aid” should be respected and treasured. 

Napoleon Hill said, “If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.  Don’t wait for great opportunities.  Seize common, everyday ones and make them great.”  Our “Business Crushes” have taught us and afforded us great opportunities along the way.  TeamPAR appreciates our business crushes and wants to give them the kudos they deserve!

  1. Assisted Living & Skilled Nursing: The baby boomers are growing older and the needs for competent elderly care are on the rise. Annette and everyone else @ Christian Healthcare ensures that their facilities are clean and gracious for those in need and works hard to aesthetically “keep up with the Joneses!”
  2. Property Management: Alfieri is TeamPAR’s oldest client in this arena.  They are ethical and unwavering in their beliefs.  TeamPAR has learned from the best!
  3. Facility Management: Here is a shout out to Todd Miller @ Centenary College.  Working on a tight budget is never easy.  TeamPAR respects that he never compromises performance for price.
  4. Construction Management: Kudos to C&C Construction Management!  Professionals that seek professionals.  It is not all about price, but respect and performance for their clients.  Refreshing!
  5. Industry Partner:  TeamPAR is grateful to have many, but Milton Terry has been one of our strongest and longest partners.  The client’s needs come first and they listen and add value by referring other like-minded professionals.  Two fabulous traits that has enabled Glenn Marthens to weather the economical storms over the years.

TeamPAR will be posting for the next 12 weeks our “Crush of the Week”!  We admire so many professionals…. Check out our social media outlets for the next 12 Mondays to see if you have been chosen!  

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