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TeamPAR’s New Year New You Resolutions

As we ring in the New Year let our resolutions and best intentions begin!  TeamPAR has committed to the challenge of better health with a monthly wager for motivation.  We are tracking minutes of intentional daily exercise and at the end of the month the employee that clocks the most minutes of movement wins the pot!  Who knows… they say that habits are learned.  Add some peer pressure for good measure and perhaps we will reap the benefits of better sleep and shed a few pounds while enjoying some office fun!  Stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever — Choose to be one of those people being cheered for!  What can you do to make your workplace more fun?

We are recording the minutes of “purposeful movement” we are engaging in daily on a wall calendar in the office for everyone to see.  We are motivating each other to move more and talking a bit of “smack” as we compete with each other.  From walks after dinner, Pilate’s classes, basketball games and bouts on the treadmill we are moving more and making better food choices, one meal at a time.



He moved the most minutes and crushed the competition with a whopping 1,680 minutes recorded in January! He won the $50.00 incentive, but more importantly the bragging rights as the leader in the office.  We will see if he continues the lead in February!


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