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Preparing for our FOREVER “new normal”

Re-entry & Re-imagining a fundamentally different workplace 

Do you remember when our biggest fear in April was “Tax Day”?  We are one month into the Coronavirus pandemic, and collectively, we have embarked on a new way of being.  We now work remotely and have very little physical interaction with one another.  We eat our meals at home and are allowing our children more screen time then ever before.  We crave things we used to take for granted: getting a haircut, getting a manicure, or making an impromptu stop for a Taylor ham, egg and cheese sandwich at our favorite bagel shop. 

Look, a few good things have come out of this pandemic; no commuting equals no traffic!  Carbon emissions are drastically reduced, allowing people in LA to see the sky again (smog free!), and dolphins have returned to the waters of Venice.  People are consistently washing their hands too!  Our commitment to mindfulness practices has deepened and hopefully will remain the new norm. 

Chatter has started suggesting that perhaps we will be opening business again “soon.” …but honestly, what does that mean?  When we can venture back into our offices and schools, what will our “new normal” look like? 

Facility Managers, Property Managers, HR professionals, Operations Managers and CFO’s are surely scrambling to re-program space and re-allocate resources to meet these urgent needs.  (TeamPAR is ready to help!)  At a minimum, TeamPAR believes perhaps the following changes will be warranted and expected to enable people to cohabitate, collaborate and function. 

Ideas to Implement in the New Office Environment After the COVID-19 Peak:

Take a breath…. TeamPAR is ready to help you make changes to your environment quickly.  We can handle the space planning and signage needed to ensure your employees remain productive and committed.  Let’s get started and think differently together! 

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