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Learn How Time Travel Therapy Benefits Seniors

Alzheimer's disease statistic

An estimated 5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s dementia in 2018. (Gulp.) People are mentally ripped away from their family and friends and become trapped by their owned minds. I am not a doctor or a trained professional working with Alzheimer’s dementia patients, but the staff at TeamPAR are professional interior designers that believe in the power of the built environment.

Those with Alzheimer’s dementia can become anxious and isolated (especially when sedentary) and barriers in communication can become the norm. The power of reminiscing has a positive impact and elongates engagement with loved ones.  By building an environment that returns Alzheimer’s sufferers to a place in their lives where there was no perceived failure and a time when their memory was intact, they no longer feel lost. Brilliant!

Villages and towns have been created to test this theory and prove that dementia sufferers can live fuller lives through the lens of a happier time.

We are far from having Alzheimer planned communities from coast to coast, but in the meantime, there are bite-sized changes that can be made to existing facilities to keep up with newer facilities and attract prospective residents.

Sometimes it truly takes a village to make a difference.  Alzheimer’s dementia is a terrible disease.  Let’s focus on quality of life changes—where residents can shop, cook and walk freely through their neighborhoods and live in communities—safely. Themed communities would span a decade of time per design. That fits in perfectly with the typical lifecycle of commercial finishes and renovation budgeting.

Lean on TeamPAR to implement some of these facility changes to improve your community.  We are ready to bring a smile to the faces and a spring in the step of your residents!

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