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How Does the Design and Layout of your Workplace Increase Productivity & Creativity?

Corporate culture differs from industry to industry and the demographics it employs, but surely we can all agree on one thing…

HAPPY people are PRODUCTIVE employees. Flex-time and perks can help motivate and retain people, but the office environment plays a larger role on productivity and the creation of ideas in the workplace.  

Open office environments…. Hoteling…. Individual offices:  What is right?  Perhaps they all are. TeamPAR hears both sides of the story and PARsolutions& PARflooring help to create environments that maximize ROI while maintaining the company’s unique culture.  ROI is traditionally measured in 2 ways: revenue per person or cost per square foot.  Today, other real term factors are measurable such as wellness, passion and employee retention.

Here are 6 ways the workplace continues to EVOLVE:

  1. The end of “Command & Control”: Companies now have missions greater than making money.  Employees find a sense of purpose and connectedness to the company’s mission at all levels of employment, and this new way of thinking reflects less differential between executive and rank and file workspaces.  Information-age productivity drivers also contribute to this paradigm shift.
  2. Compression of Space: The trend of open, collaborative workplace designs & hoteling for workers has impacted the amount of space employers now allow their employees.  Cost cutting efficiency is achieved, but at what cost?
  3. Sustainability: Social responsibility is growing stronger.  Sustainability is now embedded in our business practices and long-term building modifications and upgrades.  This is a win-win for both sides… Energy spend goes down while comfort and wellness for employees goes up.
  4. Urban Environments: Millennials are returning to the cities and companies are retrofitting buildings to appeal to an urban lifestyle – near transit villages with walkability and lifestyle amenities nearby.
  5. More Privacy Needed: Workplace balance between open & collaborative spaces verses offices is in need of evaluation.  Non-work related distractions are hard to remove and focus and productivity are being effected.
  6. More Color: The addition of color can lift a mood or promote creativity.  Color should be used to designate areas and promote an atmosphere of peace, collaboration or brainstorming.  One color throughout does not lend such benefits.

TeamPAR believes that productivity is its own motivation.  People like to feel useful and get a natural high from accomplishment.  Crossing items off of an old fashioned “To Do List” has its own satisfaction, regardless of the type of environment you work in.

Lean on TeamPAR…. We can help you plan for growth, conduct a feasibility study or re-invent an existing office to become more useful and user friendly.  We love a challenge…. Share yours and together we can increase your company’s productivity – one design idea at a time.

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