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HI 5! from EdSpaces

This year at ED Spaces we learned all about The Future of schools and how creating healthy learning environments for students is the key to achieving a holistic approach to education in which students absorb knowledge not only from traditional teaching methods but by experiences and hands-on activities. Bottom line, healthy and happy students perform better, learn more and enjoy school!

We picked 5 products that we thought were the most innovative and the ones that could help schools approach a healthy learning environment:

  1. When we think about what makes a product innovative, we are looking for something that will force us to see everyday activities from a different perspective. EverBlock by Versare is one of those ideas that is so good it makes you think, why didn’t anybody come up with this before? These Life-Size building blocks can create full size walls and furniture. Imagine having kids building a fort in their English classroom and then using it for reading time. There are so many lessons to be learned from an activity like that – from motor skills to social skills to problem solving and reasoning, all disguised as play! Learn more here:
  1. We are all about finding furniture that will give its users the most flexibility and Ten Jam has some of the coolest Outdoor/Indoor furniture. We tested their Rad Pad which is a lightweight foam cushion that comes in 3 different colors, and it can serve as a seat or even a floating devise! We also sat in one of their newest lounge chairs which were surprisingly comfortable and sleek looking, we are convinced that a couple of these chairs and an Amped side table would elevate the look of any lobby or patio. More here:
  1. Sometimes the simplest things are the most innovative. That is the case of The Surf Table by ECR 4Kids. It’s no news that Covid forced schools, teachers, students, and parents to think differently, and flexibility became a must. But even beyond the pandemic, flexibility will remain the key for the school of the future because learning can happen anywhere. This portable surface is an on-the-go table and seat that can be used both indoors and outdoors, it’s lightweight so kids can easily carry it but it’s also stackable for easy transportation and storage.  Kids love to sit on the floor.  Let them learn where they can focus best!  More here:
  1. Speaking of flexibility. Here’s a couple of products that can help any school achieve just that. Some schools are fortunate enough to have plenty of space to dedicate entire classrooms to a single subject. Some schools are not as fortunate, (but not to worry!) that just means that we must get creative. Pedagogy Furniture has a Mobile Makerspace Cart that, when closed, looks just a like a regular cabinet, but when it’s open it provides tool storage, working surface and even white boards for brainstorming. This way you can turn an English classroom into a Makerspace classroom in minutes. More here:
    Another great option for schools with limited space is StorSystem by Certwood USA. Place a few racks in a corridor or another underutilized space and now materials for multiple subjects can be stored in one place. Each teacher can come and grab the materials they will need for their class and then put them back when class is over. Color code each subject and keep everything clean and tidy! More here:
  1. There’s something about Felt that we just love. Frasch! has a modern aesthetic that will elevate any space and their products all range from an NRC of .75 to 1.00 which would make a significant difference in any space that has noise problems like a Cafeteria or Auditorium or even a Library. Between their ceiling and wall tiles and their suspended ceiling fixtures they have a solution for every need and space. We were lucky to see a brand-new product that is basically felt panels that connect to each other to create a small room. You can even add a felt ceiling and voila! you have yourself an acoustic nook for reading or studying or even for testing. The quiet sensation of sitting inside this little hub is certainly conducive to relaxation and focus. Learn more here:


Nature View Line by Whitney Brothers

The most adorable furniture for ages 0-6 yrs. Bringing biophilia into a space is proven to help decrease anxiety, increase focus, and give people a sense of tranquility. Whitney Brothers has a whole line of furniture featuring naturescapes printed directly onto the furniture, so no matter what type of room you have to work with, you can always add some trees and flowers to brighten it up. More here:

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