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Carpet Tiles Squares, so old school!

Okay, I am being funny.  2’X2’ carpet tiles are useful and extremely popular, but did you know that carpet planks, parallelograms and even hexagons are available too?  These fun shapes have the same backing systems and high performance capabilities as standard carpet tiles, they just offer many more layout options to jazz up the open office floor plan that is growing in popularity.  From herringbone to basket weave patterns to creating a boxed-in look utilizing both plank and tiles…. The options are now endless!  You can showcase an area by adding a stripe or changing the installation pattern.  Your friends @ PARflooring are great at adding a bit of pizzazz on any budget.  Think out of the box (or carpet tile square in this case) and lean on TeamPAR to design your layout and execute your installation perfectly.

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