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Karen & Alexa’s Favorite Things: The Wellness Series, Part 1…Green Furniture Concept

#1…Green Furniture Concept: The marriage of design and sustainability for indoor public landscapes — with WOOL, oh la la!

Nature has its cycle, so has Green Furniture – natural and technical – using natural, upcycled or recycled materials in a loop. Genuine materials that efficiently can be kept in shape and that age with dignity.

To achieve a feeling of bringing nature in, The Leaf Lamp Trees are ambiance shapers both visually and acoustically. Foliage of wool felt that absorbs sound and radically improves the speech perception in a room. Grand light trees in scale with any interior.

How are their products sustainable?

These functional furnishings are works of art. They add acoustical properties, clean air benefits, attractive general seating and are artful and playful in design.

TeamPAR can help you add some life to your environment — from your lobby to your cafeteria — let’s think out of the box, together!

Let TeamPAR help you solidify your brand and engage your employees in wellness. It will increase their productivity and increase your retention and ROI. That is what we call a Win-Win!

Every Tuesday through October 31st, be sure to keep an eye out for our Alexa & Karen’s Weekly Favorite and learn how partnering with TeamPAR can bring you stunning flooring and unique designs.

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